Cascais illutration A4 V7 (Cascais Visitor Center)

Cascais illutration A4 V7
A4 size - Cascais Bay
Other special offers of Cascais Visitor Center

Livro "Receitas de Reis e Pescadores"
Receitas de Reis e Pescadores leva-nos numa viagem guiada por cerca de oitenta receitas com origens e características diversas, mas todas com sabor a Cascais. Dos pratos mais representativos das tradições gastronómicas deste concelho até às reinterpretações modernas de algumas dessas mesmas tradições, redescobrimos a importância do peixe e dos mariscos, das carnes de capoeira e da caça, dos bolos e bolinhos.

Book "CASCAIS 650 years"
Having as basis the most recent bibliography, this book presents a summary of the main moments that made this shared story, with strong emphasis on the iconographic sources and in the contemporary period studies, that suffered from some systematization.
Helena Gonçalves Pinto, Helena Matos, Irene Pimentel, João Miguel Henriques, Jorge Mangorrinha e Margarida Sequeira's texts provide new contributions and perspectives for a better understanding of Cascais past, testifying the development of a county that, generation after generation, has preserved and respected it's material and immaterial heritage.
Encadernação | Binding: Capa-dura | Hardcover
Dimensions: 30,9 x 23,7 x 2,2cm
Language: Portuguese or English
Edition: Cascais Townhall
Dimensions: 30,9 x 23,7 x 2,2cm
Language: Portuguese or English
Edition: Cascais Townhall

Cascais Handmade Magnet "Santa Marta Lighthouse" w colorful spots
Handmade from a Cascais Expat

Kid's Cascais Socks
This colection is made to celebrate some of Cascais's iconic landmarks as well as to make you comfortable in your shoes