Cascais illustration A4 V5 (Cascais Visitor Center)

Cascais illustration A4 V5
A4 size - Monserrate Sintra
Other special offers of Cascais Visitor Center

Cascais Socks "Portuguese calçada"
This colection is made to celebrate some of Cascais's iconic landmarks as well as to make you comfortable in your shoes

Book "CIRCUITO DE CASCAIS" Ediçao bilingue (PT & EN)
This book is the account of all the races held between 1963 and 1966 at one of the most picturesque urban circuits in Portugal, combining the thrills of motor sport with the glamour of an exceptional tourist destination. With 160 pages - in colour and black and white - and 209 photos, almost all unpublished, the book also includes all the classifications of the 260 or so entries in the 13 races held there, two motorbikes and eleven cars.
Author: Adelino Dinis
Author: Adelino Dinis
Publisher: Edições Vintage
Hard cover
Portuguese and English