Summer “ESCAPE “ (Farol Hotel)
Av. Rei Humberto II de Italia 7 2750-800 Cascais
(+351) 21 482 34 90

About the offer "Summer “ESCAPE “" of Farol Hotel
This Summer “Escape “ to the best Boutique Hotel and get a special Deal.
20% discount on your stay
Buffet breakfast in the restaurant included
Free tickets to visit the Cascais Museums
Free Wi-Fi and private parking
Valid: March to June, except Easter and Public Holidays.
Terms & Conditions:
This Offer is subject to Hotel availability and must be booked directly to the Hotel .
All bookings should be guaranteed with a valid credit card and must be cancelled 15 days in advance to avoid full penalties.
For more information about the Hotel visit
Av. Rei Humberto II de Italia 7
2750-800 Cascais - Portugal
+351 21 482 34 90
(Chamada para rede fixa nacional)
+351 21 486 43 83
(Chamada para rede fixa nacional)
Other special offers of Farol Hotel

Antecipe a Sua Reserva e usufrua de Descontos
Antecipe a Sua Reserva e usufrua de Descontos
Desconto de 15% na estadia
Pequeno almoço buffet no Restaurante incluído
Oferta de Bilhetes para visitar os Museus de Cascais
Desconto especial de 10% no Restaurante The Mix ( almoço ou jantar durante a sua estadia)
Wi-fi gratuito e estacionamento privativo